LAZADA 11.11 EPIC Birthday BOOM


Year:  2022

Client:  LAZADA
Agency : Sweetshop
Production & Post: Heckler Singapore


Disclaimer: All design, animation, logos, content, and any other material on this page are copyrighted by Heckler and the respective clients.



Client: LAZADA
Production Company: Sweetshop
Director: Zac Ella

Post House:  Heckler Singapore
Producer: Lizzy Homersham

Creative Director: Cody Amos
Compositors: Fernando Canevaro, Abi Santos, Azreena Ahmad
Artists: Ooi Sen Ree, Yen Cheng Woon, Danielle Melianti. Muhammad Shazni, Baqir
I/O:  Michael Taye



 © 2022  Woon Yen Cheng A.